
The Shocking Truth: 8 Foods You Need To Toss Immediately

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The Shocking Truth: 8 Foods You Need To Toss Immediately

In light of recent concerns over the safety of food, experts are urging the general population to discard eight different categories of food as soon as possible. Consuming these items, which are known to house bacteria that are hazardous to humans, may put one’s health in great danger. In this article, let’s get a more in-depth understanding of them.

Discard: 8 Type Of Foods Now

Below are the eight types of perishable food that should be discarded as soon as their expiration dates have passed:

1. Sprouts

While sprouts may be a healthy addition to a meal, they are also a common source of foodborne illness. Also, sprouts have been linked to E. coli and salmonella outbreaks and should be discarded if they appear wilted or have an off smell.

2. Deli Meat

Deli meats like ham, turkey, and roast beef can be a breeding ground for Listeria, a bacteria that can cause serious illness in pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. Besides, the leftover deli meat should be consumed within three to four days or thrown out.

3. Raw Eggs

The eggs can carry Salmonella, which can cause severe illness. However, these raw eggs should be discarded if they are cracked or past their expiration date.

4. Ground Beef

Ground beef is a common source of E. coli contamination. It is recommended that ground beef be cooked to an internal temperature of 160°F to kill any harmful bacteria.

5. Leafy Greens

Here leafy greens like lettuce and spinach have been linked to E. coli and salmonella outbreaks. Thereby, these items should be discarded if they appear wilted or have a slimy texture.

6. Raw Milk

The milk can carry harmful bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella, and Listeria. It is recommended that raw milk be avoided altogether.

7. Soft Cheese

The cheeses like brie, camembert, and feta can be a source of Listeria contamination. In addition, these cheeses should be discarded if they are past their expiration date or stored at room temperature for over two hours.

8. Raw Shellfish

Raw shellfish like oysters and clams can carry Vibrio, a bacteria that can cause serious illness. Therefore, these items must be consumed if they have been thoroughly cooked on the same day.


It is important to take food safety seriously and to always err on the side of caution when it comes to potentially contaminated food. Moreover, by being aware of these eight types of food that should be thrown out right now, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from foodborne illness.

Feature Image: Pixabay

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