
What Is the Best Way To Freeze Cornbread? An Easy Guide

What Is the Best Way To Freeze Cornbread? An Easy Guide

If it’s 2 a.m. and you’re starving, here’s something quick and simple you can whip up. Right now, the best choice is cornbread. Fusions may be used to create it rapidly. It’s scrumptious and sure to have your taste buds watering. In spite of this, we’re here to assist you find out how to freeze cornbread for later use!

What Is Cornbread And How To Make It At Home? 

Cornbread is a type of bread which is quick to make with Cornmeal. It is associated with Southern United cuisine. It is a batter bread with numerous variations and fusions. Some variation includes hoecake ( cornmeal, salt, and water), johnnycake ( corn pope), spoonbread ( cornmeal pudding), and hush puppies ( batter with chopped onions, fried in fat and served with fish).

Homemade Cornbread Recipe

You can’t go wrong with this recipe if you love cornbread, it is simple and easy. If you are wondering how to make a crispy golden cornbread with a moist center, you will find the answer here. Take a look!


A simple cornbread contains flour, yellow cornmeal, sugar, salt, baking powder, butter, egg, and milk.


Grease a pan or iron skillet well and preheat the oven to 400°F.

  • Add flour, cornmeal, sugar, salt, and baking powder to a bowl and mix it well.
  • Make a hole in between the dry ingredients and oil/ butter, milk, and egg. Stire it until fully combined.
  • Pour the mixture into the greased pan and bake for 25 minutes until the top is golden. Use a wooden sweeker to check if it’s cooked or not.
  • Your combined bread ready to serve.

Cake, Dessert, Slices

Top It With Items

You can top it with: cheese cream, jam, honey, raspberry sauce, chocolate syrup, etc.

Can You Freeze Cornbread?

Considering the main discussion, are you confused if you can freeze cornbread or not?

Your answer is YES, YOU CAN!

Cornbread freezer perfectly. All you need to do is wrap it tightly in a plastic wrap and place it in a large plastic bag, seal it and freeze it. Now can store it for up 3-4 months in your freezer.

What If Your Reheat It?

Now, you are craving cornbread again. Take it out of the refrigerator and reheat it and enjoy it. It’s still remaining? Nothing to worry about. You can use another plastic wrap and wrap it tightly and restore it again in the freezer.

Nutritional Facts

  • Calories – 330
  • Total fat – 10g
  • Cholesterol – 57mg
  • Sodium – 599 mg
  • Potassium – 133 mg
  • Carbohydrates – 54g
  • Protein – 7g


Cornbread contains a number of vitamins and nutrients like iron, fiber, potassium, magnesium, protein, calcium, and carbohydrates. All the nutrients provide benefits to your body in different ways like;

  • Help in blood production.
  • Also enables to maintain blood sugar level as well as lower it.
  • Maintains your diet and helps in maintaining weight.
  • Reduces the risk of anemia and other related issues.

Before making your cornbread, watch this video to learn it’s preparation mistakes:

Final Words

If you like something light, sweet, healthy, and storable, cornbread is the best option for you. It’s very easy and less time taking and you’ll enjoy every bite of it. Hurry up and get your ingredients and try to make fluffy, crispy, and yummy cornbread.

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